The University of Guelph's standard terms and conditions apply to all purchase orders issued by the University except those indicated otherwise.
To view the University's standard terms and conditions, please visit Purchase Order Terms and Conditions [1].
The University of Guelph does not have a centralized receiving department.
All suppliers should observe the delivery addresses and instructions on individual purchase orders. If such instructions are not available or not clear, suppliers should contact the person who is listed as the contact of the order prior to shipping. Shipping instructions should inlucde receipiant name, delivery address, building name, room number, phone number and any other detailed information necessary for getting the shipment to the receiving department, and to the person who placed the order.
Location | Address | Postal Code |
Main Campus | 50 Stone Road East, Guelph, ON | N1G 2W1 |
Lab Services | 95 Stone Road West, Guelph, ON | N1H 8J7 |
Turfgrass Institute | RR 2, 328 Victoria Rd. South, Guelph, ON | N1H 6H8 |
Ridgetown Campus | 120 Main Street E., Ridgetown, ON | N0P 2C0 |
Alma Research Station | 6957 8th Line W, RR1, Elora, ON | N0B 1J0 |
Arkell Research Station | 0413 Arkell Road, RR 2, Guelph, ON | N1H 6H8 |
Elora Research Station | 6182 2nd Line E, RR2, Ariss, ON | N0B 1B0 |
Huron Research Station | RR#1 70257 Airport Road, Exeter, ON | N0M 1S4 |
Muck Crops Research Station | 1125 Woodshoppers Lane, Kettleby, ON | L0G 1J0 |
New Liskeard Research Station | 340 Armstrong St., New Liskeard, ON | P0J 1P0 |
Ponsonby Research Station | 7534 8th Line Nichol Twp, RR5, Guelph, ON | N1H 6J2 |
Simcoe Research Station | 1283 Buleline Rd, Simcoe, ON | N3Y 4N5 |
Vineland Research Station | 4890 Victoria Ave N, Vineland, ON | L0R 2E0 |
Woodstock Research Station | RR #3, Woodstock, ON | N4S 7V7 |
Suppliers should be aware that not all University buildings have loading docks. All suppliers must ensure that any special arrangements required for safe delivery of your product due to size, weight or configuration of the product or delivery process meet the University's environmental, health and safety standards and procedures, and any such special requirements are communicated with your delivery staff or any other third party contractors who deliver to the University on your behalf.
The University of Guelph has been alerted recently by some other Ontario universities of fraudulent activities where fraudsters have used university names in attempting to defraud suppliers.
The University of Guelph is not aware that any of our suppliers have been targeted by these fraudsters so far. However, we would like to advise all suppliers that, if you are asked to ship your products to any delivery point outside of the UofG official delivery locations, please be vigilant and confirm verbally with our Purchasing staff.
All suppliers shall observe the University's parking regulations for visitors and contractors. Failure to abide by the University's parking regulations may result in the vehicle being ticketed and/or towed. Detailed information about the University's parking regulations is available at the University's Sustainable Transportation & Parking Services website [2].
All parking should be in the designated area including delivery and service vehicles. All suppliers shall pay for their own parking where parking fee applies.
As of May 31, 2019, U of G's Guelph campus is tobacco- and smoke-free. Smoking, vaping and the use of smokeless tobacco - like chew - is prohibited on campus. It's part of our commitment to creating a healthy campus for everyone. Our university joins a growing number of Canadian academic and public institutions that have made the choice to go smoke-free.
U of G's tobacco- and smoke-free campus policy extends to all students, staff and faculty as well as visitors to campus.
A map showing campus boundaries is available online.
The University of Guelph is committed to promoting a greater standard of ethical conduct from suppliers and subcontractors by actively implementing our policy and procedures, working constructively with campus community and suppliers and moving toward purchasing from employers who treat their employees in an ethical manner.
At present, the Code of Ethical Conduct for Suppliers and Subcontractors in Relation to Working Conditions and Employment Standards [3] applies to university purchases from suppliers and immediate subcontractors involved in the production, distribution and/or sale of any product falling into at least one of the following categories: (a) Products bearing the name, logo, image or trademark of the University that are sold or given away as promotional items; (b) Products that are monitored by a third-party agency that is independent of the monitored party, excluding books, research materials and research equipment.
The University of Guelph expects to do business only with suppliers and subcontractors whose workers are present to work voluntarily, are not at undue risk of physical harm, are fairly compensated and are not exploited in any way. University suppliers must operate workplaces, and require that their immediate subcontractors operate workplaces that adhere, at a minimum, to the following statements of principle with respect to working standards and to the detailed standards and practices outlined in the Procedures for Implementation of the University of the Guelph Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Subcontractors in Relation to Working Conditions and Employment Standards [4].
The University of Guelph currently uses Merx and Bonfire as our public electronic tendering service to solicit bids for goods and services valued at $100,000 or more. The University of Guelph uses Bonfire Public Purchasing Portal to receive bid responses electronically. Suppliers who are interested in our bidding opportunities need to register with Bonfire or Merx to access all our publicly posted opportunities.
To obtain more information or to find out the current bidding opportunities available, please visit Current Competitive Bidding Opportunities [5].
The University of Guelph is a member of the following co-operative procurement groups:
For the University's Supply Managed Contract (SMC) supplier community, the University provides a consolidated invoicing and payment process by accepting invoices through either the University's Online Billing System or the University's designated ERP Interface File.
To submit invoices through the Online Billing System, please click the SMC Invoice Submission Portal [13].