Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) Information & Guidelines
All goods and services received or provided after July1, 2010 will attract the HST rate of 13%. HST will follow the GST structure. If the service provided or the goods received attracted GST in the past, then HST will now be applicable, both on purchases and sales. If the goods or services were exempt from GST in the past, then they will be exempt from HST.
There are a few exemptions on the provincial portion of HST. In these cases only the federal portion (5%) of HST will be charged.
If you have any questions, please click on the following link and provide as much information as possible and we will respond as soon as possible. Please note that some questions may require a significant amount of research, consequently a quick response may not be possible.
Mailbox hsthelp@uoguelph.ca
If you wish to see the tax status of various goods and services please see the HST Status Table.